Friday, December 12, 2008

Javascript Form Submit Using POST action Into a new Window

<form> element of html have several attributes for controlling submission

method : get or post
action : the url for the post back action
target : the target for the post back action, _blank, _parent, _self, _top, name of a window
name : name of the form

In this topic of using javascript to change POST action of a form so that it post into a new Window, action and target is the most important attribute here.

you can use javascript function, name, param)

to post into another window, we will set the action to the url of the new window and target is the name of the new window.

function PostToNewWindow()
    form.action = 'newForm.asp?action=submit&param=new'; //any valid url and query string = 'NewPopupForm'; // name of the new form'', 'NewPopupForm', 'height=50, width=50, resizable = no, toolbar=no, status=no');


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