Sunday, October 19, 2008

MAC OS X equivalent of host file (on Windows)

You can find the answer from this apple support doc

This advanced document explains how to
configure host information in cases where you do not have a domain name
server (DNS) on the network, but need to resolve hostnames. For
example, when two computers are connected with a crossover cable or a
standalone hub and need to resolve hostnames, but one of the computers
does not support Bonjour (formerly "Rendezvous," also known as
Multicast DNS).

Products Affected

Mac OS X 10.2, Mac OS X 10.0

Mac OS X 10.2 or later

Edit the /private/etc/hosts file. For more information on how to use the hosts file, open Terminal and type: man hosts

Note: Editing this file requires root privileges.

The MAC os x Hosts file is very similar / identical to the Windows version. You can find the windows version in c:/windows/system32/drivers/etc/hosts .

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